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JQA Diary, volume 31 3 March 1821
JQA Neal Millikan Adams-Onis Treaty Bank of the United States Elections, Presidential (1824) Seminole Wars South American Wars of Independence

3. VI: Close of the sixteenth Congress; and of the first term of the Administration of James Monroe. This morning Daniel P. Cook of Illinois called at my house; to recommend friends 约会和谈论政治-他说 Governor of the State refuses 给他一张当选下届国会议员的证书 he was chosen by a majority of near three thousand votes. There was some 选举所依据的国家的法律有缺陷或不正常之处 was held; but before the election both the candidates pledged 不管结果如何,都不要对此表示异议 out. 然而总督并非本协议的一方,并且 反对库克,他可能因此无法坐到他的座位上 我受到了再次选举的可能性——我在总统家里; and found him occupied about this Postliminary claim of Mr Clay for a supplementary half outfit of 4500 dollars; Mr Clay himself, and his friend Coll. Richard M. Johnson 对他来说,双方都非常迫切地要求津贴. It is contrary to every precedent and every principle; but the President to 克莱通过给他自己的信直接申请了这个职位,他感到很不安 做出不利于他的决定时的尴尬,正是因为克莱 对他的政府采取阴险的敌意. He has however concluded to postpone 543the determination of it for the present. The President requested me to 今天下午四点到五点之间到国会大厦去 在1点到2点之间,我收到了参议院通过的一项决议 Negative upon the nomination of John James Appleton as Chargé D’Affaires at Rio de Janeiro— At this I was much surprized and disappointed; apprehending that it was because 有些最热烈推荐他的信还没有寄来 the nomination. I had a search made for them at the Office, and they were sent to the Senate. I dined at four O’Clock, and immediately 后来我去了国会大厦,在那里我发现总统已经去了 arrived. I met Dr Eustis at the door of the South Wing, and spoke to him about Appleton. He said he had been earnest in recommending 但他明白,元老们中有一个或几个人吃了安眠药 他们自己也想去里约热内卢,也不反对去 以全权公使的身份——但是没有人反对 对阿普尔顿说的,不过是他的青春——尽管我说了这个暗示 Appleton’s favour to Mr James Barbour the Chairman 参议院外交关系委员会主席,我曾向他提出邀请 向参议院提交了最初提出的附加建议 not been sent. He said he would, but told me that unless they could add to the years, and experience of Mr Appleton 他们是没有用的:元老院的意见是一致的 说明一个人的首要才能,和最高地位的品格 应该立即作为全权公使派往里约热内卢 里约热内卢——利记APP官网手机版这一问题的参议院决议正在进行中 the Evening brought in to the President, by Mr Charles Cutts their 秘书-最聪明的身体并不总是完全一致的-在 今年的估计,我已经插入了服装和工资 a Minister Plenipotentiary at Rio de Janeiro. While those estimates were 在众议院筹款委员会及其主席面前, Genl S. Smith, wrote me a Letter, enquiring among other things 任命一名驻巴西部长是否不可能 present year be dispensed with. The President, not without some hesitation authorised me to answer that it might; but that it would then 要有合适的服装和收费的工资 d’Affaires. This was accordingly done, in the general Appropriation 比尔-部长的服装和工资被取消了,还有那些 为临时代办插入-本一般拨款法案 今天参议院通过了一项收费法案 临时代办,而没有大臣的职位,而且是在同一天 一致通过决议,建议立即任命 我对庭长说,法律只说一种语言 而另一项决议则正好相反,两者都是由它产生的 the same body, on the same day; and as the law received his sanction it 表达了整个立法机关和国会的意见 行政,而决议只表达了一个分支的意义 这与他们自己的意见完全相反 likewise expressed in the Law. It would look very odd, if after signing 这一天的拨款是用一套衣服和一笔工资来支付的 他下星期应该任命一位没有任何前科的部长 appropriation; and in these economical times would not escape the 众议院在下次会议上的批评 总统说他不应该急于对决议采取行动 但需要足够的时间来考虑-是的 今天向总统提交了三十项法案和两项决议 他的签名——其中两张上面写着“军事拨款”,还有一张 贷款法案,两院之间存在分歧 只通过会议解决-当总统留在国会时 在委员会会议室,我通过了晚会的一部分 Representatives.—There was little debate, and less confusion than usual— 尽管要维持一个法定人数是很困难的——我和他交谈过 several of the members, on various subjects.— Mr Mallary the Chairman of the Committee on the Ghent 委员会来了,告诉我他们已经拨款给 我在上次给他的信中推荐的那一年——我说 544they had however reduced the Salaries, not only 不是代表们,因为他们有权这样做,而是代表们 我认为这对个人来说是一个非常苛刻的标准,而且 如果不违反本合同的条款,则违反本合同的理解和意图 agreement under the Treaty. That if either of the Commissioners should 在本法案通过后辞职,因为他们有权这样做, 如果我处在他们的位置,我就会把一切都抛在脑后 生意陷入了很尴尬的困境,反而增加了很多 diminishing the expence. He said he did not think they would resign. And 然后说,他很高兴《利记手机官网》以一种新的方式终止了 manner so entirely satisfactory— Mr Storrs the Chairman of the 国务院开支委员会告诉我 他今天上午向众议院作了一份报告,批准了全部的议案 appointment of Major Delafield, after the close of the last Session of Congress, 并普遍宣布的正确性的帐目 就委员会审查的情况而言,是国务院的. He spoke 好像他为自己的意图攻击 me; and ashamed also to make public the justification which he had not -这是斯托尔斯的最后一天了 political existence. He has no prospect of being elected to the next Congress. 他有相当的才能,还有点文学趣味; with which I have always a strong sympathy. But he wants both judgment and firmness. The Missouri question has blasted him, and the loss of his 失去了在众议院的所有影响力, 利记APP官网手机版驱使他养成恶习,并使他成为政治家的呢 abortive— Mr Clay moved a vote of thanks to the Speaker, John W. Taylor, 开头是一段简短的,经过深思熟虑的,但非常粗俗的讲话——然而 至于感情方面,这是相当抚慰人心的 animadversion— The Clerk of the House, put the question, and there was only one voice answered in the negative— That was R. R. Reid of Georgia. About an hour afterwards the Speaker 他简短地向全院发表了讲话,回答大家的感谢. His speech 在物质和传递上都比克莱的好得多——都过去了 午夜十二点钟以前,两院的事务已经开始了 finished; and a half an hour later before the last Bills were examined 由总统签署,并通知两院 completed. A joint Committee, consisting of Mr Holmes of Maine and Hunter of the Senate, and Genl. S. Smith and Joshua Cushman of the House of 代表们来了,并通知总统他们准备好了 adjourn, unless he had any further communication to make to them; to which he answered that he had none. It was near one in the Morning when 他们休会,美国第十六次代表大会就这样结束了 我走回家,一直走到他家 Mr Calhoun— 我发现他在某种程度上因攻击的结果而沮丧 系统地贯穿于整个代表大会,尤其是 因为他对战争的管理而过期了 Department. He thinks that the present embarrassments in the 行政管理,一切源于第一届会议的两项措施 Congress under it. The repeal of the internal taxes, and the profuse 养老金法案-他所说的目前收入的下降 have been foreseen; and also that on the failure of revenue, the War 部自然会是第一把镰刀落在上面的 retrenchment would fall. He observed also the Coalition of Crawford’s, Clinton’s and Clay’s partizans, 虽然彼此的观点相当敌对,但在这次攻击中 Session, against the administration. The vote of thanks proposed by Clay to the Speaker, Taylor; the appointment by Taylor, of the most violent opponents to the Administration upon Committees. The combinations of the 乔治亚州、田纳西州、肯塔基州、纽约州和佛蒙特州的议员,致力于 他们各自的领导人,并联合他们所有的力量反对 管理-所有这些都是毫无疑问的真实-也有 在陆军部、邮局和银行的交易 不幸的是,美国的每一项政策都受到了控制 class of disaffection— Jackson’s 塞米诺尔战役,佛罗里达条约,以及南美叛乱分子 都依次被用作烦恼的武器——被现实主义者使用 我们的政府的运作,我们的整个政治系统是 与总统候选人的观点密不可分 succession; and by the peculiarity of our present position, the prospects of all the Candidates in reserve for 除副总统外,其余为下届总统 545Secretary of State depend upon the failure of the present Administration for their success. The worst of it is, that this applies more forcibly to 克劳福德本人是政府的主要成员,而不是任何人 其他——克劳福德一直是一条蠕虫,捕食着生命的要害 在自己的身体内进行管理——他是煽动者,是有活力的 整个运动的精神,在国会和里士满都反对 杰克逊和政府-在西班牙的所有变迁中 谈判,只要有困难或可能失败, 他曾被人感觉到,在他看不见的时候,所有的攻击 陆军部,在这次大会期间受到了他和 由他的党羽推动-这是他的 部分原因是他已经掌握了卡尔霍恩没有准备好的知识 support him for the next Presidency. At the same time the emptiness of the Treasury, and Crawford’s utter inability to devise any other source of Revenue but loan upon loan, very naturally 让他赞成任何形式的紧缩,尤其是威尔 不要影响他的任何朋友——这一直是他的一贯方针 parties, to keep hostilities in reserve against me this Session; and to assail the War Department as an out work. At this Moment standing on the 过去和未来之间的地峡,我心满意足地回头看 在公共服务方面所取得的成就是坚实而纯粹的 谦卑和遗憾更未奏效,而与无界 感谢所有结果的处理者——前进,前景是困扰 与困难和危险-让我愉快地前进,以满足 dispensations of Time; pursuing with singleness of Soul the path of duty; imploring for the faculty to will and to do—“to move in Charity, to rest in Providence, and to turn on the Poles of Truth.”

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