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JQA Diary, volume 24 Day
JQA Neal Millikan Health and Illness

Day. Rise at different hours from 5 to 8. generally, about 7.— German lesson, or translating Oberon, till 10. Breakfast.— Read or write as I have occasion till 2.— Walk— Dine at 3.— Translate another Stanza, from Oberon— Read Spenser or Pope’s Iliad; or spend the Evening out; untill 10.— Bed at 11.

The year would in general have been a pleasant one, but for the state of my wife’s health which has been almost continually bad, and concerning which I am even now deeply concerned— The subject preys upon my spirits more than I can express.— I have written during the year somewhat more than usual. Principally in the months of May and June, when I made the translation of Bülow’s book.— Since the middle of November too, I have amused myself with translating from Wieland’s Oberon— A work which serves in some degree to withdraw my reflections from painful subjects which have too great a tendency to engross them— I have learnt in the course of the year something more of the German language, which I can read with tolerably facility— And I have sufficiently ascertained that I never shall speak it—